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Legal notice

You have just connected to the Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg site, produced by Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg.

Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg
Hosting: Exalto
Design and development : Exalto

Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg would like to stress the follow points to visitors to their site :

Users of this website must have reached the legal age to consume and/or purchase alcoholic beverages prescribed by current legislation in their country of residence (or the older of the two, if different).

If no legal age is prescribed in their country of residence, users must be at least 21 years old to access this website.


1 - Site Access :

- Visitors to this site acknowledge that they have the requisite ability and skills to access and make proper use of it.

- Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg cannot be held responsible for factors beyond their control, nor for any damage that may occur to the visitor's equipment (computers, software, network, etc.), or any other material they may use to access or browse the site.

- Visitors to the site are reminded that fraudulently accessing a computer system and hindering or disrupting its operation, as well as fraudulently introducing or modifying data constitutes a criminal offence subject to a fine and/or imprisonment.

- Access to the Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg site is free. However, any outside cost,s such as fees charged by telecommunications companies and Internet service providers in accessing the site are his responsibility.


2 - Intellectual property :

- Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg hold the complete rights to all parts of the site (text, date, photos, and videos). Any reproduction, representation, or dissemination of any part of this site that has not been expressly approved by prior written agreement by Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg is forbidden and constitutes a violation of intellectual property as set forth in articles L 335 - 2 (and subsequent articles) of the French Intellectual Property Code.

- The brands and products of Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg, as well as the logos on the site are registered brands. Any reproduction, even partial, of these brands or logos made taken from this site without prior express written approval are strictly prohibited, in keeping with article L 713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.


3 - Site content :

- Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg reserve the right to change the site's contents at any time, and without notice. Furthermore, Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg declines all responsibility in case of delay, error, or omission with regard to the site's content, as well as instances of disrupted or unavailable service.

4 - Links :

- The creation of hypertext links to the site are subject to approval by Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg.

5 - Credits

All photos on this site are the intellectual property of Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg, and are therefore protected by French copyright laws.

Certain photos may be reproduced, but only with express written consent from Vignobles Comtes von Neipperg. In all instances, the name of the photographer and source must be indicated.

Requests for reproduction rights should be sent to: